Women's Health
Did you know that you use your pelvic floor in almost everything you do, whether you are going to the bathroom, picking up your toddler, or even standing up straight? Since the pelvic floor plays an integral role in our daily activities, how do we know if it is functioning properly? Although there could be many signs, here are some symptoms we frequently see in the clinic along with causes of dysfunction and common myths associated with the pelvic floor.
Common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction:
-fecal/urine leakage (whether activity-provoked like coughing/jumping/running or at rest)
-pain in pelvis, hips, abdomen, or low back (common referral pain sites from the pelvic floor)
-frequent urination
-straining with bowel/bladder movement
-difficulty starting/stopping urine stream
Potential causes of pelvic floor dysfunction:
-prenatal/postpartum changes
-trauma injury to pelvis (i.e. birth trauma, car accident, etc.)
-decreased flexibility in legs or trunk
-core weakness
If you have any of the above symptoms, you might be suffering from a pelvic floor impairment. Luckily, there is help available! Physical therapists who are specialized in pelvic floor rehabilitation are trained to evaluate and assess pelvic floor strength, flexibility, and motor coordination. We work together with you to design an individualized exercise program and educate you on easy ways to optimize your pelvic floor function with daily activities.